Our Second Portfolio Task!

Quality Assurance Portfolio Team 2 Diaries

Although this is the second week of the portfolio boot camp on side hustle, this would be the first blogpost from portfolio quality assurance team 2 and we are very excited to document our journey throughout the boot camp. This week’s task was a new challenge for us because we weren't just working within ourselves but had to collaborate with other interns in other fields which requires a lot of patience. Our tasks were split into two; one involved us running QA tests on the CRUD API worked on by the backend team allocated to us during the first week. While the second was to run QA tests on the TO-DO list app the developers were asked to create. With that said, the running of the test on the CRUD API was done on time and so was the documentation. Screenshot_20220619-194448 (2).png We were also able to run test on the API provided by the backend developers for the "Completar" app Screenshot_20220619-203456.png No API's were given from the front end team so no tests were run. I reviewed the tests ran by my team members as the team lead. I would say this week was more challenging than the last but also more exciting cause we could all apply more of the knowledge learnt during the internship. Looking forward to a more seamless work relationship with our developers team and all other factions. Till next week!!!

Link to the test cases carried out: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qTFtTf-MF0-..

Postman link: app.getpostman.com/join-team?invite_code=0b.. documenter.getpostman.com/view/20548020/UzB..